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Dreaming Czech Lands... Soñando tierras checas, viajando más allá de donde el viento puede arrastrarnos, más allá de los Pirineos, más allá de la hermosa y montañosa Austria.


Desde lo alto de la colina más lejana que alcanza la vista, se asoma una catedral de estilo neogótico. Se alza majestuosa la Catedral de San Pedro, su silueta es inconfundible, el paisaje de Brno guarda su esencia en dicha estampa. A su lado, el castillo de Spilberk. Y arboles, y verde, y Naturaleza.


Mucha Naturaleza. Si amas la Naturaleza estás en el lugar adecuado. Cientos de kilómetros de extensión de bosques hacen de éste un paraíso sin igual. Miles de caminos y claros donde perderse, solo o acompañado, sobrio o ebrio...


... la cerveza ("pivo" en checo), aquí es otro nivel. Sacada de otro mundo de sabores deliciosos, el zumo de cebada es idolatrado cual religión, y el camarero es el pastor. Regla número uno en Chequia: la cerveza es un símbolo nacional. No la desprecies.


¿Buscas conocer República Checa? Estás en el lugar indicado. Nosotros somos viajeros perdidos entre mundos e ilusiones. Y ahora desenterramos conocimiento en forma de cerámica del medievo. Viajamos por muchos mundos.


Muchos mundos. Y podemos mostrarte este pequeño tesoro que es éste país. Si amas las tierras checas, quítate las zapatillas, ponte cómodo, porque éste es tu hogar.






Dreaming Czech republic




















Dreaming Czech lands... Exploring new horizons till the limit of our strenght, further than we had never though, always been surprised at the end of the day. This is our challenge because we are the kind of people -pioneers going across wide lands and deep oceans and unknown cultures- those who risked the skin to get a better future (one full of possibilities) in foreign soil.


The wind behind us or headwind it is our choice to be on the crest of the next wave. Our eyesights are filled with the hope of a new future and the disturbing earthquake of emigration, so leaving behind our families and friends and fields.


Dreaming Czech Republic is our last proof of a fatefull joie-de-vivre, only by chance? Only by chance, we the co-creators of this not-only-virtual site, have been crossing our routes and only by an iron will are be starting and supporting this collective forum for culture and art in the Czech Republic. And many things more!


If you think that this country is your new home for a reason or another one or at least Czech Republic has a space in your heart, this is your chance to discover what is hidden.  The method is simple: offering a multilingual tool for all the foreigners who want to go deeper in their knowledge of Czech reality and at the same time a prestigious stage for those Czechs who are pround of their own heritage. So for all of you, who believe in the culture and art as a public bridge for the service of a better society.  There is a multicultural space in discusion...


Actual facts, events, life stories, history, musical samples, opinions, business promotion and much more!


Welcome to our home that it is your home also.




Disque Alén

soñando república checa

 THE dreaming MANIFEST: 


One day, we dreamt to unify our 3 passions in one place:

Culture, Languages and Czech Republic. And we got it!


This is a space for dialoge, passion for multiculti salad and love for Cultural facts. Here there will be an ambience full of bizarre moments and a tremendous effort to understand our new home.

We are trans-borders, writers, polemizers, chosen at random to collaborate together. This is a game...

We: the rulers!




Alén Disque



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